
Practical information > Information for panelists and discutants

Here are some instructions to help you prepare for your participation: 
Each panelist will have 20 minutes for their paper. Each panel will be chaired by a discussant who will introduce the panelists, keep speaking time, and take 5 to 10 minutes after the papers to highlight the links they see among the papers, in order to inspire the conversation with the audience.
Speakers may use a Powerpoint presentation, a video or audio file. If so you can use a flash drive to transfer it on the computer in the room; please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
During the discussion with the audience, one or two members of the organizing committee will circulate a microphone. The whole conference will be interpreted in French and English so it’s important that everyone speak in a microphone.
You are also invited to the reception on Monday evening and the lunch buffets on Tuesday and Wednesday. All buffets will include vegetarian options. The whole conference will take place at amphithéâtre 8 of the Maison des Sciences de l'homme et de l'environnement, which is an approximately 10 to 15 minute walk from the “Créteil Université” metro station.
If you can’t find your way, please do not hesitate to reach Antoine or Guillaume at:
- Antoine Servel : 06 30 51 87 29
- Guillaume Marche : 06 72 21 16 16
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